Yeung's Chinese Curry Mix 220g - Best Of British
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Yeung’s Chinese Curry Mix 220g

$7.99 AUD

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Yeung’s Chinese Curry Mix 220g
Yeung’s Chinese Curry Mix is a popular curry sauce in Scotland (where it is produced) as well as in the UK. Yeungs Chinese recipe creates an authentic Chinese curry paste which is perfect for beef or chicken curries or eaten with hot chips!  This concentrated curry sauce mix is easy to make, simply mix with water.  Pack contains enough paste for 6 servings.
Best Before JAN 26
SKU: 5022414002208 Category: Tag:


Yeung’s Chinese Curry Mix 220g
Yeung’s Chinese Curry Mix is a popular curry sauce in Scotland (where it is produced) as well as in the UK. Yeungs Chinese recipe creates an authentic Chinese curry paste which is perfect for beef or chicken curries or eaten with hot chips!  This concentrated curry sauce mix is easy to make, simply mix with water.  Pack contains enough paste for 6 servings.
Best Before JAN 26

Additional information

Weight 0.28 kg


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