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Walkers Shortbread Scottie Dogs 120g
Walkers Shortbread Scottie Dogs 120g
Best Before 30_09_24
The Walkers Shortbread Scottie Dogs box contains dog shaped pure butter shortbread. These playful Scottie dogs are made with only the finest quality ingredients, giving them the same wonderful Walkers taste.
It was over a hundred years ago that the Walker family started baking shortbread in the Speyside village of Aberlour, surrounded by the picturesque landscape of the Scottish highlands, and it is where they remain to this day. In its distinctive tartan packaging, Walkers range of products is packed with Scottish character, both inside and out. The name Walkers is recognised as a mark of excellence the world over, a true Scottish classic.
Made in Scotland.
ALLERGY ADVICE: Contains WHEAT, GLUTEN and MILK. Produced in a factory that also processes TREE NUTS.
Product Ingredients: WHEAT FLOUR, BUTTER (CREAM (MILK), SALT) (31%), SUGAR, SALT.