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Diablo Cappuccino And Cream Sugar Free, 75g
Diablo Cappuccino And Cream Sugar Free, 75g
Origin: GREECE
These mini moorish delights are the ultimate snack to be savoured. Diablo Sugar Free Sweets are the perfect choice to satisfy those pesky sweet cravings. Individually wrapped drops of heaven, they contain a combination of rich cream and succulent zesty lemon which combined makes for the most sensational sweet treat. So, whether you keep these all to yourself or you’re in a sharing kind of mood, we have you covered! Best of all, each sweet contains only 12 calories!
Diablo Mint and Cream Sugar Free
Diablo Mint and Cream Sugar Free, 75g
These mini moorish delights are the ultimate snack to be savoured. Diablo Sugar Free Sweets are the perfect choice to satisfy those pesky sweet cravings. Individually wrapped drops of heaven, they contain a combination of rich cream and succulent zesty lemon which combined makes for the most sensational sweet treat. So, whether you keep these all to yourself or you’re in a sharing kind of mood, we have you covered! Best of all, each sweet contains only 12 calories!
Stute Diabetic Strawberry Jam
Stute Diabetic Strawberry Jam
Best Before 20.07.25